No one going through a divorce and custody negotiations needs to be told that it's a stressful, sometimes drawn-out process with emotions typically running high on both sides. But it may take some introspection to recognize the ways you yourself may be sabotaging your case.
If you have children and are considering divorce, the LLF Law Firm Family Law Team can help you pursue your case as smoothly as possible, to the benefit of you and your children. We have represented many parents in Pennsylvania parents as they negotiate the best child custody agreement possible, and we will bring that experience to your case. Call the LLF Law Firm today at 888-535-3686 or reach out via our online contact form.
Keep Your Goal in Mind as You Negotiate Child Custody
To reduce the likelihood that you undermine your own case as you move through your child custody negotiations, it helps to articulate the result you want to create so you can keep your focus on that rather than be distracted by unhelpful motives such as punishing your ex. For example, “I want to create a healthy, drama-free environment for my children and have an effective co-parenting relationship with my ex.” As any issues arise during the child custody negotiations, ask yourself how you should respond to further this goal.
A Reality to Accept and Advice to Heed
While you may think your ex-spouse is a terrible parent, what you consider being unfit to have custody doesn't matter—it's how the court defines it, i.e., a history of abusing or neglecting of your children or exposing them to inappropriate people such as someone involved in unlawful activities like drug dealing. And courts in Pennsylvania prefer to award shared custody because a child does better if both parents are involved in their life. Failure to understand and accept this has caused many parents to dig in their heels during discussions of child custody and delay resolution.
Some parents sabotage their own position during child custody negotiations by engaging in easily avoidable behavior. Here are a couple of ways to help your case:
- Comply with requests such as court orders and requests for documents and instructions from a parenting coordinator or court-appointed counselor.
- Be careful about how you share information about your case. You should be able to talk to a few friends or relatives you know will keep your confidence, but it's better to share as little as possible while the custody case is ongoing. And do not post anything relevant, even indirectly, to your case on social media. In Pennsylvania, social media posts are admissible as evidence in custody cases, and posting about your hatred of your ex or frequent hangovers could harm your case.
The Family Law Team at the LLF Law Firm Can Help You and Your Children Get the Protection You Need Now
As you go through divorce and child custody negotiations, the LLF Law Firm Family Law Team can advise you on strategy and terms, and they will be frank with you if you are hurting your own case. We want you to move through the divorce and child custody process as quickly and efficiently as possible for the least stress on you and your children. The Family Law Team at the LLF Law Firm is ready to handle your case. Contact us today at 888.535.3686 or through our online form to hear how we can help.
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