This website was created only for general information purposes. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice for any situation. Only a direct consultation with an attorney can provide you with formal legal counsel based on the unique details surrounding your situation. The pages on this website may contain links and contact information for third party organizations – the LLF Law Firm does not necessarily endorse these organizations nor the materials contained on their website. The decision to hire an attorney should not be made solely on the strength of an advertisement.
The LLF Law Firm (the "Firm") and/or its equivalent refers to the LLF Law Firm, the Lento Law Firm and the Lento Law Group as your matter may be a collaborative effort at the Firm's discretion. As Firm team members are not licensed in all jurisdictions, pro hac vice admission may be necessary depending on the nature of the case for purposes of representation. Attorney Joseph D. Lento is a licensed attorney in New Jersey and New York and various federal courts. Attorney Lento is not licensed in Pennsylvania. The LLF Law Firm team represents Pennsylvania clients. As applicable, an attorney to represent a client will seek pro hac vice licensure as necessary for purposes of representation. LLF Law team members appearing on Firm websites may include present and past team members.
We invite you to contact the LLF Law Firm directly to inquire about our specific qualifications and experience. Communicating with the LLF Law Firm by email, phone, or fax does not create an attorney-client relationship. The LLF Law Firm will serve as your official legal counsel upon a formal agreement from both parties. Any information sent to the LLF Law Firm before an attorney-client relationship is made is done on a non-confidential basis. The LLF Law Firm is a national law firm can help address applicable issues and concerns anywhere in the United States.