Study after study has shown that children living in a home where domestic violence is taking place suffer both short-term and long-term harm, even in situations where the violence only takes place between the parents. The effects can be seen in children of any age – from pre-school through grade school and on into high school and even college. If left untreated, these children can continue to suffer as adults and are at greater risk of committing domestic violence in their own relationships.
If you are in a relationship where domestic violence is happening and need help taking legal steps to help protect yourself and your children, contact the LLF Law Firm Family Law Team for help. Our experienced attorneys can be reached at 888.535.3686 or by scheduling a confidential consultation online.
Effects of Exposure to Domestic Violence
According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office on Women's Health, simply witnessing domestic violence at home significantly increases the risk that children living in the home will have both short-term and long-term mental health problems and possibly long-term physical health problems as well.
Short-Term Mental Health Issues
Research finds that younger children exposed to domestic violence may regress, readopting behaviors they may have grown out of, such as thumb-sucking, bed-wetting, and increased crying. Grade schoolers may demonstrate a lack of self-esteem; their grades may suffer, they may have few friends, and they may have more disciplinary issues than other children. Teens may be more aggressive, acting out at school, getting into arguments with family members, and engaging in risky behavior.
Long-Term Mental and Physical Health Issues
Longer term, children who have been exposed to domestic violence at home are at greater risk of becoming abusers themselves or finding themselves in a relationship where they suffer abuse. When these children become adults, they are also at higher risk for depression, anxiety, and physical ailments such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other physical conditions.
Children Deserve to Feel Safe
Children who are living in a home where domestic violence is taking place don't feel safe, even if that violence never happens to them. Whether they witness violent behavior directly, hear loud and abusive arguments taking place behind closed doors, or see the physical evidence of violence on the face or body of a parent, they are affected by it. In many, many cases, the best way to protect children from the effects of an abusive relationship in their home is to leave that relationship, taking the children with you to an environment where you can all feel safe.
The LLF Law Firm Can Help
The LLF Law Firm Family Law Team can help you protect yourself and your children from domestic violence in the home. Our experienced attorneys regularly help clients take advantage of the remedies offered under Pennsylvania's Protection From Abuse Act, including securing Protection From Abuse (PFA) orders against the abusive party in a relationship. More importantly, we understand how difficult an abuse situation is for the entire family. We are here to help you find your way through what can be very dark times and to a better future for you and your children.
If you are the victim of domestic abuse, you and your children deserve to live in a home where you all feel safe. The LLF Law Firm Family Law Team can help you get there. Call us today at 888.535.3686 or schedule a confidential consultation online. You don't have to do this alone – let the LLF Law Firm Family Law Team help.
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