The spread of COVID-19 throughout the world is affecting billions of people. Almost all states in America are under mandatory lockdown, meaning residents cannot leave their home other than to run essential errands like picking up groceries or medical prescriptions.
Millions have lost their jobs because the company they worked for laid employees off, or because the bar or restaurant they worked at shuttered its doors for the time being, and millions of others who still have jobs are now working from home. Most schools and universities are closed for the remainder of the academic year, and students are scrambling to adapt to online learning.
All of this has been a huge learning curve, but even though the world is adapting to a new way of coping with day-to-day activities while stuck at home, life goes on. Unfortunately, this means that in homes where there was strife before the coronavirus began to spread, the unprecedented circumstances of being on lockdown might be adding to an already stressful situation.
Many couples who may have been having marital issues pre-COVID-19 may have decided to stay together for the sake of their children. Maybe each parent worked outside the home and going to work every day allowed a respite from facing marital problems. For whatever reason, a couple may have decided to put off getting a divorce, but now in this new world, they are reconsidering their options.
China, the first country to be affected by coronavirus, has seen a spike in the number of people seeking a divorce. The country began implementing mandatory lockdowns at the end of January, and officials in the city of Xi'an have said they've seen a record number of people requesting a divorce. This could be in part because the government offices that handle divorces have been closed so there is a backlog of requests, but experts also think that the lockdown has exacerbated many already-unhappy relationships.
Financial Stress
Divorcing couples often cite financial stress as one of the leading causes behind their decision to part ways. U.S. experts have predicted that in the end, the unemployment rate in this country could jump as high as 32 percent, which is worse than during the Great Depression. Losing your job and trying to figure out how you are now going to provide for your family can be extremely stressful.
Pennsylvania Divorce Attorney
In these trying times, you may be considering filing for a divorce. We have the knowledge and experience you need to approach every aspect involved in a divorce, including alimony, child support, and a parenting plan. For more information about representation, contact the LLF Law Firm today online or by phone at 888-535-3686.
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